Podvodnici pouzivajici nasi adresu v Las Vegas

Zacali nam chodit stiznosti, ze nejaka firma dela podovody a pouziva adresu nasi kancelare v Las Vegas. Nemuzu najit, ze by to byl nejaky byvaly nebo soucasny zakaznik. Vubec netusim kdo to je…

Jen dostavame rozcilene emaily jako tento:

I ordered 2 of your products on the 26th of decemeber 2013 it was the free trail of the “garcinia diet max” and “slimbody cleanse” however, a week later I emailed the company through there official website stating I wanted to cancel the subscription & also for the past week have been trying to get through to your customer services. However each time there was no answer or it would just keep ringing and eventually cut out. So since then you have managed to scam me of £348.76, very disappointed and this is not my doing. The lack of customer service is ridiculous, and I want my money back within the next 72 hours or I will be taking legal action. You are affecting my statutory rights and I do not find this acceptable.n.

Your address seems to bebeing used by Lift Serum Pro, Juveneu etc. to operate what is basically a scam in the supply of creams and other similar products. As this company are refusing to refund my money I am about to file a complaint with the UK authorities. I am also filing a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the US as the company are US based and they had a similar case where they fined the owners $359 million.

Kdyz najdu na web firmy Lift Serum Pro tak vidim, ze uvadeji neopravnene nasi adresu v Las Vegas. A ze fulfillment dela nejaka firma z CR?

Billing and inquires:
Lift Serum Pro
5348 Vegas Dr
Las Vegas, NV 89108

Shipping and fulfillment:
Euro Fulfillment s.r.o.
Lihovarska 1060/12
190 00 Praha
Czech Republic

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10 thoughts on “Podvodnici pouzivajici nasi adresu v Las Vegas

  1. Tak mě napadá. Máte v USA taky něco jako obchodní­ rejstří­k? Na celonárodní­ nebo jen státní­ úrovni? A jak jste na tom s korporátní­m právem? Máte dostatečné znalosti nebo na to máte lidi?

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